Joe Biden's Latest News and Updates - UStweet Review of October 2021

  Joe Biden's Latest News and Updates Review 

Joe Biden's all Quotes from Twitter of October 2021
Joe Biden's latest Updates of October 2021

Joe Biden's latest News and Updated on Twitter review, Biden's Updates of October 2021 review by the UStweet website, this are all updates of the American president Joe Biden on Twitter, Joe Biden keep on connecting withe the American community on Twitter, by posting his updates and the latest news of USA, Twitter is the right place where all followers of Joe Biden find the latest news and updates of the United States of America, Joe Biden posted 83 posts on Twitter the last October (2021).

Oct 1, 2021

  •  Let me be clear: No hardworking American should be paying more in taxes than entire tech or oil companies. It’s long past time corporations pay their fair share. 
  •  We are going to deliver for the American people. 

Oct 2, 2021

  •  This week, I’ve been working closely with leaders in Congress to pass my Build Back Better Agenda and Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal. This is what we were elected to do and we will get it done. 
  •  My Build Back Better Agenda and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will spur economic growth – creating and supporting 4 million jobs a year. As we continue our economic recovery, we can’t afford not to seize this opportunity.
  •  During National Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, we come together to reaffirm our commitment to ending domestic violence and supporting survivors. We must work to strengthen VAWA and create a society where all people can thrive without fear of violence or abuse.

Oct 5, 2021

  •  Republicans won't vote to raise the debt limit to cover their own policies under the previous administration. It’s reckless and dangerous.
  •  My message to Republicans: If you don't want to help save the country, get out of the way.
  •  I ran on my Build Back Better Agenda. I said it was time to build an economy that looks out from Scranton — instead of looking down from Wall Street.  It’s what 81 million Americans — the most votes in history — were supporting when they supported me.  Now it’s time to deliver.

Oct 6, 2021

  •  Republicans forcing us to default on the debt would lead to a self-inflicted wound that would take our economy over a cliff.
  •  Our Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and Build Back Better Agenda are not about left versus right—they’re about competitiveness versus complacency.

Oct 7, 2021

  •  The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal is about rebuilding our roads, our highways, our bridges, our ports, our airports, our broadband. It’s a blue-collar blueprint for rebuilding America.
  •  Vaccination requirements work. They drive up vaccination rates, which makes our communities and schools safer, along with strengthening our economic recovery. Vaccine requirements are widely supported, proven successful, and quickly becoming the standard across the country. 
  •  Teachers and firefighters shouldn’t pay a higher tax rate than millionaires and billionaires.

Oct 8, 2021

  •  When we give working families a break, we're not just raising their quality of life—we're putting parents in a position to earn a paycheck. That's what the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and the Build Back Better Agenda are all about.
  •  After the last administration chipped away their protections, today I’m proud to announce the protection and expansion of three of our most treasured national monuments:

  1. Bears Ears 
  2. Grand Staircase-Escalante
  3. Northeast Canyons and Seamounts

  •  Millions of American parents are feeling the squeeze, having a hard time doing their job, earning a paycheck, while taking care of their children or aging parents. My Build Back Better Agenda will change that.
  •  We’re making real progress for the American people.

Oct 9,2021

  •  Let’s be clear: Vaccine requirements aren't about politics, they’re about saving lives.
  •  Here's the deal. Vaccine requirements are already proving that they work.  More than 185 million Americans are now fully vaccinated and more than 75% of eligible Americans have gotten at least one shot. That’s real progress.
  •  Before the American Rescue Plan passed, the Congressional Budget Office projected that it would take until 2023 to get to a 4.8% unemployment rate.  We hit that rate in October of 2021.

Oct 10,2021

  •  Let’s set one thing straight: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and the Build Back Better Agenda are not about left versus right.  They’re about leading the world or continuing to let the world pass us by.
  •  An average of 600,000 new jobs have been created every month since we took office.   Jobs are up, wages are up, and unemployment is down. This progress is attributed to the hard work and resilience of the American people, who are battling through this pandemic.
  •  We have a plan. We have the tools. Let’s finish the job—get vaccinated.

Oct 11,2021

  •  For the first time since March 2020, the unemployment rate is below 5%. We still have more work to do, but recovery is moving forward even in the face of a pandemic.

Oct 12,2021

  •  Virginia: Last year, the people voted and democracy prevailed. We have to do it again and elect @TerryMcAuliffe as governor.  Today is the last day to register to vote. Head to and make sure you're registered.
  •  Folks, it’s been a month since I laid out my plan to accelerate the path out of this pandemic. We’ve made real progress, but we still have a long way to go.                          There’s no better way to beat this pandemic than to get the vast majority of Americans vaccinated. It’s as simple as that.

Oct 13, 2021

  •  After working closely with my team, the Port of Los Angeles is announcing today that it will begin operating 24 hours 7 days a week — which follows the Port of Long Beach’s commitment.  A 24/7 system is what most of the leading countries operate on. Except us. Until now.

Oct 14, 2021

  •  Tomorrow, @DrBiden is back on the campaign trail for a grassroots event with @TerryMcAuliffe.  Virginia, you’re not going to find anyone who knows how to get more done than Terry. Let’s keep moving Virginia forward. RSVP now. 

Oct 15, 2021

  •  Our plan to accelerate a path out of this pandemic is working. 
  •  A promise I didn’t take lightly.
  •  More than 1 out of 3 eligible seniors have already received their COVID-19 booster.  We’re going to continue to provide that protection to seniors and everyone else as we head into the holiday season. Together, we can put this pandemic behind us.
  •  The evidence is clear: Vaccination requirements work.
  •  Today, another round of payments from the expanded Child Tax Credit will help millions of families across the country with payments of up to $300 per child.  This is just the first step. Our Build Back Better Agenda will extend this benefit for years to come.
  •  With the expanded Child Tax Credit, working families are getting the relief they need thanks to the American Rescue Plan.  This money is making a difference for countless Americans and lifting millions of kids out of poverty.
  •  To everyone at today’s National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service: Your loss is our nation’s loss. Your pain is our nation’s pain. May the souls of those you love — and those with whom you have served — rest in peace and rise in glory. 

Oct 17, 2021

  •  The voter registration deadline is coming up in several states. Make sure you’re registered to vote at and vote for Democrats up and down the ballot to keep America moving forward. 
  •  The 21st century Jim Crow assault is real. It's unrelenting, and we're going to challenge it vigorously. 
  •  Passing the Build Back Better Agenda is about competitiveness versus complacency.  Opportunity versus decay.   Leading the world or letting the world pass us by.    When workers and families have a better shot, America has a better shot.

Oct 18, 2021

  •  A teacher shouldn’t pay a higher tax rate than a profitable company. It’s time we reward work in this country—not just wealth.
  •  Folks, Virginia has an important election coming up on November 2 and we need your help reaching out to voters across the state to get out the vote. Sign up today to join a phone bank.
  •  Jill and I are deeply saddened by the passing of our dear friend and a patriot of unmatched honor and dignity, General Colin Powell. Time and again, he put country before self, before party, before all else—in uniform and out. He will be remembered as one of our great Americans.
  •  For the better part of the 20th century, America led the world in investments in ourselves, in our people, in our country. But now, we risk losing our edge as a nation. Passing the Build Back Better Agenda will help us regain the momentum that we’ve lost.

Oct 19, 2021

  •  Building back better starts in the states. Since flipping the legislature in 2019, Virginia Democrats have been a model of progress—including helping us vaccinate folks to beat the pandemic. To keep our progress, we must elect @TerryMcAuliffe and Democrats up and down the ballot.

Oct 20, 2021

  •  The sacred right to vote is under unrelenting assault across the country — and the Senate needs to take action to protect it. Senate Republicans need to allow a debate and let there be a vote on the Freedom to Vote Act. Democracy — the very soul of America — is at stake.

Oct 22, 2021

  •  It’s time corporate America and the super-wealthy start paying their fair share.’s time corporate America and the super-wealthy start paying their fair share.
  •  Climate change is an existential threat to humanity. That’s why I’m making a commitment to get to net-zero emissions on electric power by 2035 and net-zero emissions across the board by 2050 or before.
  •  Compromise has become a dirty word – but bipartisan compromise is still possible.   I’m going to see it through. 
  •  Universal pre-K for 3- and 4-year-olds is not just an investment in education, it’s an investment in the future of America. We’re going to get it done with the Build Back Better Agenda.

Oct 23, 2021

  •  Having a broken spirit is no different than having a broken arm.
  •  When I ran for president, I resolved to bring Scranton values to bear.  We’re going to build the economy from the ground up and the middle out, not from the top down.
  •  HAPPENING NOW: President @BarackObama is in Richmond with @TerryMcAuliffe to help get out the vote in Virginia! Tune in
  •  The struggle for our democracy is no longer just about who gets to vote. It’s about who counts the votes—and whether they should count at all.   Jim Crow is alive and well in the 21st century.

Oct 24, 2021

  •  The last four years, every month was infrastructure month. But nothing happened.  We can't afford to sit while other countries pass us by.
  •  In just nine months, we have nominated more Black women to the federal circuit courts and more public defenders to the bench than any administration in all of American history.  And we’re just getting started.

Oct 25,2021

  •  To make good on the full promise of America, we have to protect the fundamental and sacred right to vote.
  •  Today, I’m heading to New Jersey to highlight the need for my Build Back Better Agenda and Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal. This is our moment to invest in American families, revitalize our nation’s infrastructure, and win the competition for the 21st century.
  •  At least 55 corporations in America didn't pay a single penny in federal income tax last year. That’s got to change—and my Build Back Better Agenda will get it done.

Oct 26, 2021

  •  Folks, @TerryMcAuliffe has been here before, he knows what to do, and he knows how to deliver results for Virginia.  Join us for a campaign rally in Arlington tomorrow night.
  •  The Build Back Better Agenda and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal are about competitiveness versus complacency.
  •  For too long, the backbone of this country—the middle class—has been dealt out. It's time to deal them back in.
  •  The Build Back Better Agenda is about betting on America, believing in America, and believing in the American people.
  •  It isn't enough just to invest in our physical infrastructure—we also have to invest in our people.   That’s what the Build Back Better Agenda does: Invests in child care, combats the climate crisis, and makes us competitive in the 21st century.

Oct 27, 2021

  •  Tune in as I join @TerryMcAuliffe in Arlington to get out the vote. One week to go, Virginia. Let’s do this.
  •  Under my Build Back Better Agenda, no middle-class family will spend more than 7% of their income on child care.
  •  Folks, @KamalaHarris is headed down to Norfolk this Friday to get out the vote with @TerryMcAuliffe. Register now to join them.

Oct 28, 2021

  •  Virginia, show up.

  1. Show up like you did for Barack and me.
  2. Show up like you did for me and Kamala.
  3. show up for a proven leader like @TerryMcAuliffe. Vote

  •  The Build Back Better Framework will set the U.S. on course to meet our climate targets, create millions of good-paying jobs, and grow our economy from the bottom up and the middle out.  It’s fully paid for by asking corporations and the wealthiest to reward work, not wealth.
  •  With the Build Back Better Framework, we will:

  1. Deliver free, universal pre-K for 3- and 4-year-olds
  2. Embark on an unprecedented effort to combat climate change
  3.  Create millions of good-paying jobs
  4. Make health care more affordable for millions of Americans

  •  The Build Back Better Framework will deliver two years of free preschool for every 3- and 4-year-old in America and save most American families more than half of their spending on child care.
  •  The Build Back Better Framework will lower costs for working families without adding to the deficit.
  •  Let’s get the Build Back Better framework done.

Oct 29. 2021

  •  Through the Build Back Better Framework, we’re going to create an economy that works for working families, not just the few at the top.   And if you earn less than $400,000, you won't pay a single penny more in federal taxes. Period.
  •  •Later today, @KamalaHarris will join @HarrisonJaime for a grassroots event to discuss how the Build Back Better Framework will invest in the American people. Let’s get this done.
  • It’s time to deal the middle class back in. 
  •  Virginia, reproductive rights are under attack throughout the country and we must elect leaders who are absolutely committed to protecting those rights.   @TerryMcAuliffe has made it clear that he will be a brick wall against anyone trying to threaten reproductive rights.
  •  Nearly 2 million women in America are not working today because they can’t afford child care.   The Build Back Better Framework will help working families by ensuring nearly all middle-class families will pay no more than 7% of their income on child care.
  •  Virginia, you can’t take anything for granted. Vote. 
  •  Tune in now to join @KamalaHarris and @TerryMcAuliffe as they get out the vote in Norfolk, Virginia with special guest @Pharrell. 

Oct 30, 2021

  •  The Build Back Better Framework will make the most significant investment to deal with the climate crisis—beyond any other advanced nation in the world.
  •  @TerryMcAuliffe is the proven leader who will move Virginia forward.  Virginia, make sure you show up and vote before polls close on 11/2. Every vote matters. 
  •  Virginia, you've made incredible progress over the last few years on jobs, the economy, health care, education, growing the middle class, and more.   To protect that progress, you have to once again show up for democracy and make sure to vote on Tuesday. The country is watching.

Oct 31, 2021

  •   With the investments in the Build Back Better Framework, there will be no stopping the American people. 
  •  Virginia and New Jersey, there are only a few days left to get out the vote and help elect @TerryMcAuliffe, @PhilMurphyNJ, and other Democrats up and down the ballot.  

Joe Biden is a very active person on Twitter, for that point the UStweet YouTube channel is focusing on Joe Biden's posts on Twitter, to give a new source of expression to the US people, you can give us your opinion and your critical ideas in comments.


Watch the most liked Joe Biden's Tweets of October 2021 on The UStweet YouTube channel from this video:

If you want to watch the UStweet's daily review of Joe Biden's Posts, those are the videos of November:

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