Joe Biden Speech Today - Important Updates For Americans

Joe Biden Speech Today - Important Updates For Americans 

Joe Biden Speech Important Updates For Americans

Today the president Joe Biden Tweets an important Speech To Americans and all people around the world.
In this Web article, you Found tree important Remarks From Joe Biden, he talk about the New York City subway shooting of today, and his visit to Iowa, and at the end he give some important details about why the energy costs and foods are high. And The President Biden show his actions plan to deter the Putin’s price hike For Americans and People around the world.

  • Tune in as I make an announcement on our actions to lower costs for working families, reduce the impact of Putin’s Price Hike, and Build a Better America. 

  • Jill and I are praying for those injured in the New York City subway shooting. We are grateful for the first responders and civilians who jumped into action. My team has been in touch with city officials and we are working to support efforts on the ground.

  • Today, I am announcing that the Environmental Protection Agency is planning to issue an emergency waiver to allow E15 gasoline — gasoline that uses more ethanol from home-grown crops — to be sold across the U.S. this summer in order to increase fuel supply and lower prices.

  • We’re investing $1 billion in American Rescue Plan funds for independent meat and poultry processing capacity. That will give farmers and ranchers more options, shore up a weak point in our food supply chain, and bring down prices for American families.

  • This afternoon, I toured POET Bioprocessing — a biofuel plant in Iowa. We want to see facilities like these all over the Midwest. They support farmers, create good-paying jobs, reduce our reliance on foreign oil, and give you a choice at the pump. 

  • I was in Iowa today, where 16% of households don’t have an internet subscription. In some places, there’s no high-speed internet infrastructure at all. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will make high-speed internet affordable and available around the country.

  • Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has driven up gas prices and food prices all over the world. 70% of the increase in prices in March came from the Putin Price Hike. I’m doing everything I can to bring down prices and address the Putin Price Hike.

  • To help deal with this Putin Price Hike, I authorized the release of 1 million barrels per day for the next 6 months from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve — and over 30 countries agreed to release 60 million additional barrels. This is the largest collective release in history.

  • That helped stop a run up in oil prices and has begun to bring those prices down as a result of countries acting together to release reserves. And Americans should be seeing the savings.

Those information are the full speech of Joe Biden on Twitter, we rewrite it without changing any latter, so we hope that you get the right information, and to subscribe to the U.S. Tweet Channel, To keep on touch with the latest updates of Joe Biden and his administration.

Haroun Amari


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