The Biden-Harris Administration Speech Today

The Biden-Harris Administration On Twitter 

USA News Today

The Biden-Harris Administration News Today From Twitter, The Latest Speech of the Biden-Harris Administration on Twitter in one video.

Democrats Speech on Twitter 

  • Uniting the world against Putin, achieving historically low unemployment, and taking unprecedented actions to fight worldwide inflation and lower costs. Grateful for Joe Biden’s leadership. 

  • Democrats are working tirelessly to reduce costs while Republicans want to obstruct those efforts. This is why we must elect more Democrats in November.

  • Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we'll begin to see our airports, roads, and bridges revitalized—helping make our country more competitive and creating good-paying jobs.

Kamala Harris Speech on Twitter 

  • Last year, we made a historic investment in our nation’s infrastructure when we passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. It'll put thousands of union workers, sheet metal workers, carpenters, pipefitters, and plumbers to work across the country to modernize our infrastructure.

  • Unions bring people together, protect workers from harassment and discrimination, and give workers a voice. They move our nation forward. When unions win, America wins.

  • Black women are more than 3x times as likely to die because of a pregnancy-related complication than white women. President Biden and I are pursuing systemic policies that provide comprehensive, holistic maternal health care free from bias and discrimination.

Joe Biden Speech Today on Twitter

  • Unemployment is at 3.6%, down from 6.4% when I took office. The fastest decline in unemployment to start a President’s term ever recorded.

  • One year ago, a lone gunman took the lives of eight people — four of whom were Sikh — at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis. As we remember those we lost and all those impacted, we must renew our fight to end the epidemic of gun violence in America.

  • Today, we learned that in March, twelve states hit record low unemployment. More families than ever before — in states from Alaska to Wisconsin — have a little more breathing room. We’re not letting up.

Haroun Amari


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