The Latest News About Judge Ketanji - Joe Biden Speech About Judge Jackson

Joe Biden Speech Today on Twitter about Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson 

Joe Biden Speech About Judge Jackson

The president Biden talk a lot of time in the last 24 hours about about Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, those are seven Tweets about Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson from the president Biden Twitter:

  • Today is a good day for America. A day that history will remember. Tune in as the Vice President, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, and I deliver remarks on the Senate’s historic, bipartisan confirmation. 

  • After more than 20 hours of questioning at her hearing and after nearly 100 meetings with members of the full Senate, we all saw the kind of Justice Judge Jackson will be. Fair and impartial. Thoughtful. Careful. Precise.

  • Judge Jackson brings a rare combination of experience and qualifications to the Court.  A federal judge who served on the second most powerful court. A former public defender with the ability to explain issues of law in ways everybody can understand. A new perspective.

  • Judge Jackson is a brilliant legal mind with a deep knowledge of the law. She has a judicial temperament that is calm and in command — and a humility that allows so many Americans to see themselves in her.

  • When I made the commitment to nominate the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, I could see this day. I could see it as a day of hope. A day of promise and progress. A day when once again the moral arc of the universe bends just a little more towards justice. 

  • I have long said America is a nation that can be defined in a single word: Possibilities. In America, everyone should be able to go as far as their hard work and God-given talent will take them. Even to the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

Thanks for listening to the latest Tweets of Joe Biden about Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, I hope you subscribe to the channel and visit the UStweet website, I see you in the next video.

Haroun Amari


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