The President Biden News and meetings Today Withe Speech

The President Biden gives remarks today on Twitter

Joe Biden News and Meetings Today withe Speech

Those Remarks are About 2 important events in the Biden-Harris administration, He talks about his virtual meeting with Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, and he give an important Updates about ghost guns Situation in America, let’s read together those Remarks.

  • This morning, I’m meeting virtually with Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India. I look forward to further deepening ties between our governments, economies, and people.

  • I spoke today with Prime Minister Modi of India. We committed to strengthening our defense, economic, and people-to-people relationship to together seek a peaceful and prosperous world.

  • A felon or domestic abuser can go from kit to gun in as little as 30 minutes. Buyers aren’t required to pass a background check. And because the guns have no serial numbers, when they show up at crime scenes, they can’t be traced.

  • Last year alone, law enforcement reported approximately 20,000 suspected ghost guns to ATF. That’s a ten-fold increase from 2016. These guns are the weapon of choice for many criminals — and we’re going to do everything we can to deprive them of that choice.

  • Today, the United States Department of Justice is banning the business of manufacturing one of these kits without a serial number and requiring sellers to run background checks — just as they must do with other firearms.

  • In addition to today’s rule, we’re working in four areas to reduce gun violence:
  1. Going after rogue gun dealers
  2. Disrupting illegal gun trafficking
  3. Funding community policing and community violence intervention
  4. Funding job training, drug treatment, mental health, and more

  • Today, I am proud to nominate Steve Dettelbach to be director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Steve’s record makes him ready on day one to lead this agency — and I look forward to working with the Senate to get him confirmed.

  • We need Congress to pass universal background checks. Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. And eliminate gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability.

  • A year ago this week, I said we would rein in the proliferation of ghost guns. The gun lobby tried to tie up regulators in paperwork. But today, we kept our promise and made it illegal to manufacture ghost gun kits without a serial number or sell them without a background check. 

Haroun Amari


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