What's New In America Today ( Joe Biden Speech)

Joe Biden Speech Today on Twitter, Those are The important Updates of Joe Biden, the president of the United States of America.

What's New In America Today

  • Over 31 million people now have health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. 4 out of 5 Americans can find quality coverage for under $10 a month. The average family is saving $2,400 a year on their premiums. The Affordable Care Act is stronger now than it has ever been..

  • If Republicans have their way, up to 100 million Americans with preexisting conditions could once again be denied health care coverage by their insurance companies. I’ve got a better idea. Instead of destroying the Affordable Care Act, let's keep building on it.  

  • Today, we enshrine in law our recognition that the Postal Service is fundamental to our economy, to our democracy, to our health, and the very sense of who we are as a nation. 

  •  Over the last four weeks, fewer Americans filed initial claims for unemployment insurance than any time in our nation’s recorded history.  While we have more work to do to lower costs for families, today’s data demonstrates that America is on the move again.

  • America is back to work. Our economy added 7.9 million jobs since I took office—more jobs created on average per month than under any other president in history. That’s millions of families with a little more breathing room and the dignity a job provides.

The White House:

New this week: A study found POTUS's historic vaccination program:

  1. Saved 2.2M lives in the U.S.
  2. Prevented 17M hospitalizations & 66M cases
  3. Avoided $900B in health care costs
Americans have more tools than ever before to protect ourselves. We are moving forward safely.

Haroun Amari


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