
The Biden-Harris Administration Speech Today

The Biden-Harris Administration On Twitter  The Biden-Harris Administration News Today From Twitter, The Latest Speech of the Biden-Harris Administration on Twitter in one video. Democrats Speech on Twitter  Uniting the world against Putin, achieving historically low unemployment, and taking unprecedented actions to fight worldwide inflation and lower costs. Grateful for Joe Biden’s leadership.  Democrats are working tirelessly to reduce costs while Republicans want to obstruct those efforts. This is why we must elect more Democrats in November. Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we'll begin to see our airports, roads, and bridges revitalized—helping make our country more competitive and creating good-paying jobs. Kamala Harris Speech on Twitter  Last year, we made a historic investment in our nation’s infrastructure when we passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. It'll put thousands of union workers, sheet metal workers, carpenters, pipefitters, and plumbers to wor

Joe Biden Speech on Twitter Today

Joe Biden News and Updates  The American Rescue Plan offers historic tax relief for working families. A household that files their taxes this year can get $3,600 in tax relief for every child under 6 and $3,000 for every child between 6 and 17. Head to to learn more. Today, I spoke with President Zelenskyy and shared with him that my Administration is authorizing an additional $800 million in weapons, ammunition, and other security assistance to Ukraine.  I just boarded Air Force One on my way to Greensboro, North Carolina. I’m looking forward to touring North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, discussing our efforts to lower costs, rebuild supply chains, and lay a foundation for economic renewal. American manufacturing is coming back. And when we build more in America, it increases our economic capacity and helps lower everyday prices for families. From Day One, every action I’ve taken to rebuild our economy has been guided by one principle: Make

Joe Biden Speech Today - Important Updates For Americans

Joe Biden Speech Today - Important Updates For Americans  Today the president Joe Biden Tweets an important Speech To Americans and all people around the world. In this Web article, you Found tree important Remarks From Joe Biden, he talk about the New York City subway shooting of today, and his visit to Iowa, and at the end he give some important details about why the energy costs and foods are high. And The President Biden show his actions plan to deter the Putin’s price hike For Americans and People around the world. Tune in as I make an announcement on our actions to lower costs for working families, reduce the impact of Putin’s Price Hike, and Build a Better America.  Jill and I are praying for those injured in the New York City subway shooting. We are grateful for the first responders and civilians who jumped into action. My team has been in touch with city officials and we are working to support efforts on the ground. Today, I am announcing that the Environmental Protection Agen

The President Biden News and meetings Today Withe Speech

The President Biden gives remarks today on Twitter Those Remarks are About 2 important events in the Biden-Harris administration, He talks about his virtual meeting with Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, and he give an important Updates about ghost guns Situation in America, let’s read together those Remarks. This morning, I’m meeting virtually with Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India. I look forward to further deepening ties between our governments, economies, and people. I spoke today with Prime Minister Modi of India. We committed to strengthening our defense, economic, and people-to-people relationship to together seek a peaceful and prosperous world. A felon or domestic abuser can go from kit to gun in as little as 30 minutes. Buyers aren’t required to pass a background check. And because the guns have no serial numbers, when they show up at crime scenes, they can’t be traced. Last year alone, law enforcement reported approximately 20,000 suspected ghost guns to ATF. That’

Ukraine War News Today - Russia War in Ukraine News

   NEWS From "The Ukraine Independent" Twitter Account  Ukrinform: Temporary bridge from  suburbs to Kyiv opened. The 245-meter bridge connecting liberated Irpin, Bucha, Hostomel, and Vorzel with Kyiv will be used to deliver humanitarian aid and construction materials, Ukrinform agency reported. It will serve as a temporary substitute for the bridge in Irpin that was blown up by the Ukrainian forces to block Russian troops from advancing towards Kyiv. Ombudsman: Russian military force children to return to schools in occupied Volnovakha. Ombudsman Lyudmyla Denisova said that the Russian forces are likely aiming to use children as human shields to complicate the liberation of this city in Donetsk Oblast. Southern bridge opens to private cars to reduce traffic in Kyiv. For a month only public transport and other vehicles with special permits were allowed to use the bridge, mayor Vitalii Klitschko said. Many residents have returned to the capital since Kyiv Oblast was liberated.

What's New In America Today ( Joe Biden Speech)

Joe Biden Speech Today on Twitter, Those are The important Updates of Joe Biden, the president of the United States of America. Over 31 million people now have health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. 4 out of 5 Americans can find quality coverage for under $10 a month. The average family is saving $2,400 a year on their premiums. The Affordable Care Act is stronger now than it has ever been.. If Republicans have their way, up to 100 million Americans with preexisting conditions could once again be denied health care coverage by their insurance companies. I’ve got a better idea. Instead of destroying the Affordable Care Act, let's keep building on it.   Today, we enshrine in law our recognition that the Postal Service is fundamental to our economy, to our democracy, to our health, and the very sense of who we are as a nation.   Over the last four weeks, fewer Americans filed initial claims for unemployment insurance than any time in our nation’s recorded history.  While w

Antony Blinken's Turn Around The World

The United States News From Antony Blinken Twitter  Antony Blinken is Very active those days around the world, this Blinken's Tweets show that . Productive trip to Brussels for the meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs. Together with our Allies and partners, we are united in our support for Ukraine. We reaffirm our unwavering support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We welcome the announcement of the formation of a Presidential Leadership Council in Yemen. We support Yemenis' aspirations for an effective, democratic, and transparent government that includes diverse political and civil society voices, including women and marginalized groups. The UN General Assembly has voted to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council. Russia will not retain UN. HRC membership after showing blatant disrespect for human rights in its brutal war against Ukraine. The United States is imposing blocking sanctions on two Russian state-owned enterprises. We will keep rais